Foot Work 2011 Get Invovled


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Im Back

I took for granted being able to drive my own car. Now that im back in action i feel alright
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My Kinda Love

I ended another night of arguing with "Just love me like I deserve!" That's something he never heard

I never said it before and it kept him from walking out the door and

Furthermore it made him think...

He didn't know what to say for I never approached him that way

Use to my passive ways better yet ways of pass

And at last he asked..."How should I love you?"

I told him I wanted a real kinda love

the kinda love that makes up you pick up the phone and dial the only eleven digits that reach me when you know I'm at work but my voicemail will do all because you want to hear my voice

I want the kinda of love that makes you sacrifice your last five dollars until payday which happens to be next Friday just because I said I want a number 4 at McDonald's

I want the kinda of love that makes you stand up for me around your mother when she says I'm too thin and you need a thicker lady because that means I can't cook and even though you know I can't cook, you tell her I boil rice well

I want the kinda of love that will have you trying to draw hearts around my name on the back of receipts when you waiting outside my apartment for me to come down so we can finally catch that thriller I've been itching to see

I want that kinda of love that has you bragging to your boys about how much of a blessing I been in your life and next month you just might pop the question

I want the kind of love that Jesus had for us when he carried the cross up the hill to be crucified so that we could have life and have it more abundantly

I want the kind of love that makes you forget that you are you because when you look in the mirror all you see is us

I want the kind of love that can't be reproduced but should be so that we can cook and bag it and sell it by the kilos so that maybe divorce rates would decline

I want the kind of love that makes it hard to breath when I'm not around because you think any air not baring the scent of my perfume is not clean air

I want the kind of love that has you writing how much you love me in braille because you think I can't see it so you are hoping I can feel it

I want the kind of love that you give when you think about all that we been through and we still together because its been times when you wanted to break me in two

I want the kind of love that proves how amazing God is because he took two lost souls and pared them so that they can find the true meaning of love together

I told him that I wanted that kind of love, because that is the kind of love I have for him


Write is Right

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