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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shaq beasting on TV

Dannnng Shaq
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Roy Jones vs Evander? Awe naw

By Terence Dooley

News that Roy Jones is angling for a fight with Evander Holyfield has followed hot on the heels of rumours that Reading's Michael Sprott is in the running for a contest against either of the two American legends. Indeed, has confirmed that talks are ongoing between Sprott's management and the representatives of Jones, who was in the UK recently for a speaking tour, with a March date possible should Roy fail to land a fight with Holyfield.

Sprott recently won the Prizefighter: The Heavyweights tournament, defeating former foe Matt Skelton by split-decision to land the crown. Michael, 35-15 (17), had lost his two previous fights with Skelton – by twelth-round TKO in 2004 and majority-decision in 2007 – but has now had the last word in their trilogy.

A Jones fight, though unlikely on paper, would present Sprott with a big opportunity, the American has seen better days yet he is still a massive name; the 35-year-old British heavyweight feels that a fight against the former WBA heavyweight title-holder would be a memorable occasion.

“Things are OK,” said Sprott when speaking to over the phone. “I'm just waiting on news of what is next to come. I want to try for the fight with Roy Jones Junior, definitely, and they are saying it could be on for March. It is early days yet so we are just going to wait and see.

“It is great, a honour, because I'm mixing my name with the legends. It would be great if Roy came back to the division and it is wonderful having my name linked with him and Holyfield, who in my mind won the Valuev fight and should be a five-time heavyweight champion right now. Either of them would be a great name to have on my record.”

Critics will question the validity of any kind of a win over Jones in light of the Floridian's erratic recent form. Sprott, though, believes that Jones's name is still sprinkled with stardust; he also applauds Roy's desire, and right, to continue plying his trade.

“I can understand where they are coming from,” said Sprott when reminded that many people are calling for Roy to retire. “But if your heart and determination is there then you can bounce back from anything. People were saying Holyfield should have retired then, to me, he came back to beat [Nikolai] Valuev [Writer’s note: Although the judges gave it to the giant Russian] so anything is possible, especially when you've got heart. You can't listen to other people, you've got to be positive in yourself.

“Beating Roy would feel great. I think I would stop him in the middle or later rounds. People say Roy's not a full-blown heavyweight but he's a big name. Once I catch him with my left hook it will end the fight. It would be there on record that I was the man who ended his great career. So I would love to be the last man to be beat him.”

Still, a Sprott-Jones fight seems a somewhat surreal prospect. However, Michael reminded me that he has been written off himself in the past, no one envisaged him defeating Danny Williams for the British heavyweight title in 2004; his message, 'write me off at your peril'. As for the fight itself, stranger things have happened, most notably Williams versus Mike Tyson back in 2004. Jones, 41, is notoriously cautious and may yet talk himself out of a potential fight with Holyfield; he may see a contest against Sprott as a chance to fill a big venue here in the UK. Time will tell.
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Rand Paul (Thug Politician) Stomps Lady In Head Then Wants Apology

Oh no, another Rand Paul scandal involving a lady and Aqua Buddha! This just seems careless: A woman from MoveOn approached Rand Paul before a debate and tried to give him a piece of paper, which symbolized Rand Paul’s cronyism or something. (Or maybe she wanted an autograph?) It doesn’t even matter, because Rand Paul’s loyal band of Aqua Buddhist monks surrounded this lady, threw her on the ground and stomped on her head. That’s not how you treat a lady! Aqua Buddha taught his disciples that ladies should always be tied up, dragged into the woods and then forced to smoke “the weed.” Aqua Buddha does not like it when his followers Square Dance on human heads. That is not what He teaches. Oh well. Let’s watch the video and then pretend to be surprised!

According to the Louisville Courier Journal, “Lauren Valle of approached Paul and tried to give him an “employee of the month award” from Republicorp…a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is the merger of the GOP and business interests controlling political speech.”
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I Love Lebron New Commercial

Well, not quite, but LeBron is beginning to make moves that will make us all love him again.

LeBron’s new Nike commercial, What Should I Do?, is a brilliant p.r. move that represents the first wave of remaking LeBron James into the most popular athlete in the country. Who else could possibly fill the void vacated by Tiger Woods?

Nike has hundreds of millions of dollars invested in LeBron, and stands to make hundreds of millions, if not billions, from LeBron. Naturally, this makes restoring LeBron James’s popularity of the utmost priority for Nike.

What Should I Do? conjures up images that remind me of The LeBrons commercials. These commercials featured the fun LeBron we unanimously loved.

As his prowess on the court grew, and his "Chosen One" title was legitimized, his popularity grew. I routinely was astonished by LeBron’s performance on the court.

I was not the only one amazed by LeBron’s performance. With time expiring on LeBron’s contract, millions of fans across the country began to obsess with the idea of LeBron James playing for their team.

This factor alone meant that, no matter who LeBron decided to play for in The Decision, millions of people would be angry. The immense interest in who LeBron James was going to sign with necessitated a bigger announcement than is atypical for other free agents.

This is where LeBron messed up.

He listened to his friends, but they are his friends. He is supposed to listen to them.

The Decision was in poor taste. While it raised significant amounts of money for The Boys and Girl’s Club of America, there were much better ways this announcement should have been handled.

For starters, ESPN, should never have been given exclusive rights to this announcement. ESPN’s cinematic take on sports has done wonders for the way we watch sports, but their cinematic take on The Decision over-personalized things.

This resulted in The Decision coming across as “Fxck You Cleveland,” when really it was just “Fxck You Dan Gilbert.” Dan Gilbert’s subsequent memo illustrated how he viewed the king, as nothing more than a commodity.

At the end of the day, Gilbert is the one with the most yolk on his face. Through an utter inability to make any useful personnel moves, Gilbert squandered away the best basketball player of our generation, and he is left with an awful basketball team, in an economically-depressed city.

LeBron James going to Miami will work out well for him, because in Miami, he has something he never had in Cleveland: Two players capable of creating their own shot. Bosh and Wade are not only capable of this, but exceptional at this.

LeBron James should have held a press conference at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of America, and spent 15 minutes or more answering questions from Cleveland reporters, before he took any questions from reporters based elsewhere.

When properly coached, LeBron James’s charisma would have shone through. While Cleveland would still be furious at him, the rest of America would have been indifferent.

Following The Decision, like much of the country, I was furious at LeBron. My anger did not stem from LeBron’s choice of venue for The Decision, but rather his decision not to come play for my Chicago Bulls.

Everyone in Chicago was angry at LeBron, because we all wanted him to play for our team. This sentiment was mirrored across the country, as basketball fans harbored ludicrous hoop dreams that LeBron would somehow come and play for their team.

These feelings were exacerbated in Cleveland, by LeBron’s perceived national snubbing and abandonment of his home team. LeBron James will not restore his image in Cleveland

Until following his acquirement of a few rings, he convinces some buddies to come and play with him in Cleveland.

When LeBron James’s next contract ends, Kevin Durant will be ringless in Oklahoma City, and be beginning to worry about his legacy. Hopefully for Cleveland, Durant will trade one crappy city for the other, and head to the rust belt.

That would really be the ultimate legacy for LeBron, and would embrace the edgier side he bore for us in The Decision.

The only thing I will never understand about the whole way The Decision went down was how nobody in LeBron’s camp recognized how much better The Decision would have been if it was a press conference broadcasted live on virtually every network.

With a lockout looming, basketball players will need all the p.r. help they can get. That is why I am offering my services.

I am much cheaper than whoever you are paying now, and I cannot do any worse than LeBron’s people.

Now all that is left for LeBron is winning. With a ring, he will officially be back.
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Laker Ring Ceremony

Am I the only one that thought the Laker ring ceremony was long and drawn out. And did any else see the guy that got skipped by the announcer. Why was that even shown on TV. Its not hard to tell that im not a laker fan, but if it were any other team I'd feel the same way. I was not trying to sit through that. I just wanted to see Yao play last night. That all! Not all that presenting each other and crap.

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