Foot Work 2011 Get Invovled


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rand Paul (Thug Politician) Stomps Lady In Head Then Wants Apology

Oh no, another Rand Paul scandal involving a lady and Aqua Buddha! This just seems careless: A woman from MoveOn approached Rand Paul before a debate and tried to give him a piece of paper, which symbolized Rand Paul’s cronyism or something. (Or maybe she wanted an autograph?) It doesn’t even matter, because Rand Paul’s loyal band of Aqua Buddhist monks surrounded this lady, threw her on the ground and stomped on her head. That’s not how you treat a lady! Aqua Buddha taught his disciples that ladies should always be tied up, dragged into the woods and then forced to smoke “the weed.” Aqua Buddha does not like it when his followers Square Dance on human heads. That is not what He teaches. Oh well. Let’s watch the video and then pretend to be surprised!

According to the Louisville Courier Journal, “Lauren Valle of approached Paul and tried to give him an “employee of the month award” from Republicorp…a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is the merger of the GOP and business interests controlling political speech.”


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